"November 12th
The Day of Sensual Charisma
Sensuality and magnetic attraction are central themes in the lives of November 12th people. Sensuality expressed in their own physical makeup or the works they are involved in producing; magnatism demonstrated in family life, secret love relationships or in their career or social circle.
Exceptional or highly talented November 12 people must be extremely careful about mis using their ego drives. Their capacity to work "miracles" in everyday situations wins them aduclation and in scome cases, places them in a godlike position in their admirer's eyes. Such worship can foster sociopathic tendencies in those born on this day. On the other hand, morally evolved November 12 people of all albilities acan use their powers in the service of bringing beauty and inlightenment to those around them. Most November 12 people have an integrity and devotion to their work theat impues their personal with a singular grace. Those November 12 people with public careers may become highly positive political force....
The conflict between golden qualities, on the one hand, and dark characteristics, on the other, is often at work in November 12 people, and both sides may in fact be entwined through their lives. However, it is also poosible that a November 12 person will show a marked decay from a promising golden youth to a dark adulthood. Those born on this day face a great personal challenge in getting a handle on their wilder energies, which involves knowing themselves better and perhaps dedicating themselves to a worthwhile cause of some kind. The creation or appreciation of beauty in all its forms is the overriding interest of November 12 people, whether it be found in beautiful children, art, home environment, bodily form or just an outright sensuality. However, behind this impulse toward the beautiful is something even more basic, and that is the force of magnetic attraction itself which so irresistibly propels a November 12 person along. It is in the red-hot crucible of their soul that impersonal dark forces rework and mold sensuous images which get projected out on the world and become at once their heaven and hell. Life, therefore, is not always easy for November 12 people. Tragedy and misfortune can unaccountably plague them between days, weeks or even years of ecstatic happiness and thrilling experiences. Again, the key to their balancing their lives and getting a grip on their powers is self-knowledge. If they can only appreciate how fully what materializes around them is a product of their own character, own up to moral responsiblities and take their lives in hand in an ethical fashion, they will be able to cope with negative energies which seems to invariably come their way. If not, they will be largely at the mercy of forces beyond their control."
Heavy Addictive Troubled
Magnetic Seductive Attractive